Contact person
Karin Nilsson
Contact KarinThe SHDC network gathers professionals in industrial hydrogen, such as specialists, researchers, business developers and decision makers.
We welcome large and small organizations from the private and public sector as well as academia and industry.
SHDC is a network for the value chain of hydrogen: industry, energy sector, research, industry organizations and authorities. We contribute with knowledge dissemination, monitoring of the environment, exchange of experience and project generation.
Companies or organizations become part of the collaboration in SHDC. All employees who work with hydrogen can therefore become part of SHDC and receive newsletters and event invitations.
We arrange around six to eight events per year, where we address current and relevant issues. In our conferences we bring together key competences within hydrogen development. They are basically free of charge for members of SHDC. SHDC is not a trade association and we do not pursue a political agenda.
The participation fee is differentiated depending on organization size and type. The fee is seen as co-financing for the operation of SHDC. The largest part is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, and a smaller part is financed by RISE. The SHDC is non-profit.
Co-financing/fee per year
Large companies 25> employees globally: SEK 25,000
Smaller companies <25 employees globally: SEK 9,000
Industry organisations: SEK 9,000
University, research institute: Free of charge