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Implementation support Health promoters

The work with Health Promoters in Västra Götaland is an interesting example of a cross-sectoral preventive effort to reduce health inequalities. The Public Dental Service in the Västra Götaland region has developed a new approach where designated Health Promoters offer health consultations with families and collaborate with other actors to improve oral health, focusing on areas with high caries prevalence among children. In connection with the transition from project to regular operations, SHIC supports identifying key components of the intervention, developing proposals for governance models, and conducting an economic analysis of the values generated by the work for the region and society.

In recent years, the Public Dental Service in Västra Götaland region has developed a new approach with Health Promoters, focusing on health consultations with families and collaboration with other actors to improve children’s oral health, particularly in areas with high caries prevalence. As the project transitions to regular operations during 2024, RISE SHIC has been tasked with supporting the implementation and integration of the intervention.

The work involves identifying key components of the intervention, examining various governance models that can be integrated into the existing dental care structures, and analyzing the economic aspects to demonstrate long-term socio-economic benefits. Through focus group interviews and workshops with clinic managers, health promoters, and collaboration partners, different perspectives and areas for improvement are gathered. These efforts aim to lead to sustainable operational development and effective monitoring of the health promoters’ work. This also includes finding effective methods of impact measurement and health economic and socio-economic modeling.

The goal is to ensure that the efforts of the health promoters continue to improve children’s oral health and reduce unequal living conditions in the Västra Götaland region.

SHIC contributes with expertise in operational development, process management, implementation management, and health economic and socio-economic analysis.

Den 10 december 2024 anordnade RISE och Folktandvården i Västra Götalandsregionen ett slutseminarium där resultat och lärdomar presenterades från projektet.

The Health Promoters project in the Västra Götaland region (VGR) started as a pilot initiative and has since been expanded. The project has been funded by the region’s social investment funds.

Read more on Health promoters through this link.

Read more on VGR's social investment fund through this link.

Shirin Bartholdsson

Contact person

Shirin Bartholdsson

Innovations- och processledare

+46 73 031 19 40

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