SICOMP 2019 - Manufacturing and Design of Composites
Welcome to the 30th SICOMP Conference on Manufacturing and Design of Composites. The conference will take place in Trollhättan on 3 - 4 June 2019. Program for the conference will be released on March 15, 2019. Welcome to submit your abstract to the conference by January 18, 2019.
Table top display
A table top display will be organized close to the conference and refreshments area.
The exhibitor fee is SEK 1600 incl VAT (in addition to the conference fee) and includes a table during the two conference days.
For table top enquiries, please contact
Venue and accommodation
Accommodation is preliminary reserved at:
- Scandic Swania, tel No. +46 (0)520 890 00, booking ref BSIC020619
Information about the event
Date: 3-4 June
Location: Trollhättan, NOVA in the Innovatum area.
Conference fee:
- Full SEK 6.000 incl. VAT
- Student SEK 3.600 incl. VAT