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Learning Lab - Explore AI for Industrial Applications

Do you work in industry and want to take advantage of AI to improve your business? Now you and your organization can explore the possibilities of AI together with researchers and experts from RISE.

At RISE, we conduct research in AI with a focus on application in, among other things, industry. Our researchers have solid deep expertise in AI. RISE is constantly working to make it easier in various ways for Sweden's business and public sector to apply the research that is available. By participating in a Learning Lab, you get the opportunity to learn directly from the researchers and at the same time explore the possibilities available to you. 

Learning Lab focuses on four areas: 

  1. Using AI tools 

  2. Data: What do you need? When do you need it? What quality is necessary? 

  3. Use cases and AI solutions in the process and manufacturing industry. 

  4. Regulatory and ethical perspectives on AI. 

During the day, we will discuss various examples of AI applications in the process and manufacturing industry that have been successfully implemented to streamline operations. In connection with these applications, we will also address a wide range of AI methodologies, from traditional knowledge-based systems and machine learning to generative AI technologies. 

We will delve into the essential prerequisites required to understand and benefit from AI in industrial environments, including fundamental aspects of data management and computational requirements. We will also examine the legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations that are critical to the responsible implementation of AI technologies in this sector. 

The day is designed to provide a good starting point in AI for you, whether you have no experience or limited experience in applying AI, and offers an overview that will prepare you to tackle new applications in the future. 

During the day, you will: 

  • Investigate which challenges can be addressed with AI. 

  • Identify opportunities to streamline operations through cost reduction, predictive maintenance, improved quality, and increased process efficiency. 

  • Explore the prerequisites, opportunities, benefits, and risks of AI, as well as legal, ethical, and regulatory perspectives. 

  • Discuss various aspects of AI with experts from RISE. 

Target audience 

Learning Lab is aimed at those who work in industry and want to benefit from AI. The day is for you who are decision makers, project managers, business developers or engineers and is suitable for you who are interested in better understanding the breadth of possibilities with the application of AI.


RISE Learning Lab - Utforska AI för industriell tillämpning
Digital Futures på KTH, Osquars Backe 5, Stockholm
01 Oct 2024
9995 SEK (excluding VAT)
Lunch and coffee are included. After the day there will be a mingling at 4-5pm.
Swedish and English
Cecilia Hyrén


Cecilia Hyrén

Forsknings- och affärsutveckare

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