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Interconnected vehicles

Training event: battery and cyber security

Are you an engineer, project leader or a manager and want to learn more about battery safety, cyber security and the life cycle analysis from a battery perspective? RISE is now offering a course package consisting of three courses running over two days. You can choose to attend one of the courses or take the whole package at a reduced price.

On the first day we focus on "Introduction to battery safety and functional safety of BMS", which provides an understanding about different ageing mechanisms and why it is essential to ensure that the battery system is safe and reliable. This full-day course targets those who want to gain knowledge about state estimators, the importance of a well-functioning Battery Management System (BMS) and get information about functional safety standards.


The second day consists of two courses: "Life cycle analysis, focusing on batteries" is a course for those who want to learn more about LCA and how to use it to calculate the environmental impact of both products and services. When an LCA is completed, you have the basis to make decisions about improvements and communicate the results both internally and externally.


In the afternoon, our cyber security course provides a technical introduction to the subject. In the training, we focus on the technical aspects of cyber security. Terminology, the meaning of cyber security and its relationship to functional safety are reviewed. You will learn how encryption works and how attacks and incidents relate to each other.

Day 1: 
23 October 9.00 - 16.00 
Introduction to battery safety and functional safety of BMS.
Trainer: Johan Hedberg and Ellen Scott
Price: 7499 SEK

Day 2:
24 October 9.00 - 12.00 
Life cycle assessment from a battery perspective. 
Trainer: Emanuel Bengtsson 
Price: 3499 SEK

24 October 13.00 - 16.00 
Cybersecurity engineering – overview.
Trainer: Pierre Kleberger  
Price: 3499 SEK

Package deal all trainings: 12 999 SEK
Package deal for trainings during 24 October:  5998 SEK

Register at the link to the right.


Training event: battery and cyber security
RISE, Borås, Building 1
23 Oct 2024 - 24 Oct 2024
0 SEK (excluding VAT)
Charlotta Uddh

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Charlotta Uddh


+46 10 722 33 18

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Lina Ljungqvist


Lina Ljungqvist


+46 10 516 60 04

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