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Energy supply within total defence

Energy supply in total defense and crisis preparedness is about being able to handle Sweden's energy needs even during crisis and war.

Domestic renewable energy replaces fossil import

Imported fossil energy commodities are being replaced by an increasing share of domestic renewable electricity. At the same time, the electrification of society requires a major expansion of electricity production. Replacing or completing the earlier large-scale structure with smaller and local production units will lead to a more robust energy supply.

Preventive work is required

Outsourcing the production will entail new threats and strains. Energy actors and authorities need to perform extensive preventive work to avoid power failures and/or electricity shortages. Today's energy systems include, for example, advanced IT systems for measurement, control, and regulation. These are vulnerable to cyberattacks, with potential impact on the whole of society.

What RISE offers in energy supply 

At RISE, we have broad expertise in cybersecurity and energy preparedness. We conduct research and test how energy systems could be exposed to cyberattacks and what the consequences are. We also provide training and support to both municipalities and companies that wish to increase their energy preparedness.

How to increase society´s robustness

RISE expertise in the energy field can contribute to increased robustness and making use of the sustainable energy system's ability to resist stress. Amongst other things, we are working on preparing more areas for so-called "island operation". This means that a geographical area becomes self-sufficient using local energy facilities. This would reduce dependence on the national system.

Support to create a secure energy supply

RISE can also provide support for how to best create a secure energy supply. This is achieved through an optimal combination of various energy types and energy storage, given the local conditions.

Do you want to collaborate on energy supply in total defense and crisis preparedness? You are welcome to contact us. 


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