Contact person
Maria Willborg
Contact MariaWe make analyses of local, regional and national energy systems focused on societal benefits to provide information for investments, policy and business models. The analyses are performed using a systems perspective and often include interactions and synergies between different energy carriers such as electricity, district heating and cooling.
By applying a high system level and societal benefit perspective it is possible to provide information to stakeholders that can contribute to the transition to a more sustainable energy system. We include both technical, economical, environmental and social aspects in our analyses. Our competent staff has different areas of expertise which makes it possible to address a wide range of issues.
The need to transition to a sustainable and climate friendly energy system is widely recognised, but there are many possible solutions to this challenge. Since the stakeholders have limited resources, we can help by providing scenario analysis to evaluate many different alternatives under different circumstances and highlight strengths and weaknesses of different options as decision support before e.g. investments are made.
The transition to a sustainable energy system where a larger part of the energy is generated by decentralised producers from intermittent resources also demands new solutions for the energy system on different levels. Increased flexibility and integration of energy carriers are often mentioned as solutions to this challenge, and we can contribute by providing analyses of flexibility potentials for production and consumption, potentials to move energy demand in time as well as on how the different energy systems and energy carriers can be integrated. We develop optimisation based energy system models that are used for scenario analysis and to estimate the potential of different technologies in the energy system.
Our energy system analyses can be applied to many different issues such as: