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Food Process and Product Analysis

We are able to generate high quality information regarding food products, processes and manufacturing lines using advanced measurement technology, modeling, simulation and computation. Within this expertise we are mostly focused on measuring di-electrical, thermophysical and optical properties of food matrices. Data collected is used for evaluation and improvement of processes as wellas predictions of physical phenomena

Our expertise within Food Process and Product Analysis includes:

  • Prediction and optimization through:
    • Modeling
    • Simulation
    • Engineering calculation
  • Measurement
    • Thermophysical properties
    • Di-electrical properties
    • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
    • Pycnometri (porosity and density)
    • Emissivity and black body radiation
    • Advanced optical measurement and image analysis
    • Powder properties
  • Techno-economic evaluation of investments in technology


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