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Photonics - a key enabling technology
The 21st century belongs to Photonics. Just like electronics revolutionized 20th century, photonics opens up fantastic new possibilities.
At RISE, we have a broad expertise in photonics and experts are in many different areas of application. We conduct applied research in the field of photonics and have expertise in component and system development as well as extensive experience in developing, applying and commercializing photonics solutions in a variety of industries. We also have strong metrology resources and operate several large clean rooms and a number of test facilities supporting our research within photonics.
Photonics technologies

Fiber optics
RISE has expertise and laboratories for the development of fiber-optic sensors, components and systems, as well as a fully-fledged clean room for the development and production of specialty optical fibers.
The versatile optical fiber enables applications that are difficult or impossible to realize with other technology and you will find fiber optic systems in more and more industries. These can be distributed sensors for temperature and pressure, new technologies in medical technology or measurement systems to enable process optimization or safety in industry and energy systems.
- Read more: Fiber optics, Specialty optical fiber, Fiber optic sensors
- Laboratory: Fiberlab

Semiconductors and nanotechnologies
In the field of photonics, we have expertise in, among other things, micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS) and photonic integrated circuits (PIC) based on indium phosphide, silicon or silicon nitride.
RISE has a strong background in semiconductors and nanotechnology with two large clean rooms and long experience of conducting leading research and development in the field in collaboration with industry and universities.
- Read more: Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
- Laboratories: ProNano, Electrum laboratory

Quality-assured measurement technology is critical in all kinds of applications. RISE are experts in the field and help industry and society with questions about measurement. This can be about calibration, development of new measurement technology, production of measurement references or specialized measuring instruments.
RISE is also appointed to the Swedish National Metrology Institute (NMI) with responsibility for the Swedish measurement quantities.
- Read more: Metrology, Radiometry and Photometry

Organic electronics and photonics
RISE offers a leading environment for the development of innovative organic electronics and also operates a prototype plant in the area. A close partnership with Linköping University and within the innovation cluster Printed Electronics Arena ensures a depth and breadth in the area.
Printed sensors, displays and components are among our focus areas in printed electronics. By using organic materials in combination with standard printing technology, completely new products can be produced in the millions at low cost. Hybrid components with a combination of organic systems and conventional electrical or optical components create additional possibilities.
- Read more: Printed and organic electronics
- Laboratory: PEA Manufacturing
Other photonic technologies
Within RISE, there is a breadth and depth in photonics, also in areas such as classical optics, laser technology, spectroscopy, quantum optics, etc. If we do not have what you need internally, we can certainly refer to the right skills.
All technology that concerns generation, manipulation and detection of light is included in the concept of photonics.
Contact us for a dialogue about photonics and what photonics can do in your application.