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ProNano - Scale up your innovation with nano and GaN materials

Do you have an innovation that you want to develop with nanotechnology and GaN materials? ProNano is a digital innovation hub where you can pilot test and scale up your prototype. Whether you are a new or an established company, we work with you from idea to a finished commercial product.

Dr Peter Ramvall at the high-end epitaxy machine in the ProNano lab

Contact us for a free consultation or for a tour of the facility.

ProNano is a digital innovation hub that aims to support Swedish businesses with digital transformation, using nanotechnology and GaN materials (gallium nitride). We help startups and scaleups to grow, and by using our testbed you can quickly get started with your idea without having to invest in expensive equipment. We offer coworking, guidance for collaborations and financing, as well as advanced equipment and technical expertise.

Coworking in an open innovation hub

We believe that innovation and collaboration go hand in hand. That is why we have created an environment for open innovation where researchers and businesses can meet, exchange knowledge, and collaborate in our shared space and labs. ProNano is built in a modular way, where the business is led by RISE, in symbiosis with other nanotechnology companies. e.g., Hexagem, that conduct their own operations within the testbed.

Guidance, networking, and financing of your innovation

ProNano is established in Lund and is an important part of Skåne's world-leading ecosystem for nanotechnology and advanced materials. The testbed is run in close collaboration with Lund University and Region Skåne and we work to strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish companies. Together, we contribute with networking and guidance to help your company find the right collaborations and financing for your innovation.

Testbed for developing GaN materials

ProNano is Sweden's first testbed for industrializing nanotechnology, for both pilot- and large-scale production. You can establish your own manufacturing area for your specific equipment and processes as well as get access to clean rooms, laboratories, and world-class equipment where you can create and characterize new materials and components. For example, equipment such as Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) to create atomic scale nanostructures or Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to characterize the structures created. You also get access to staff that daily work with the equipment and are researchers and experts in growth and characterization of micro- and nanomaterials.

Increased competitiveness for innovations with GaN materials

GaN components contribute to the solutions of some of the major societal challenges within digital transformation, energy efficiency and future mobility. Companies that manufacture cost-effective and reliable GaN semiconductors will have great competitiveness on the fast-growing market.

New materials created on the nanoscale have special electrical, optical, and mechanical properties and lead to new applications. For example, small III-V material-based nanowires can be used as light-emitting elements in LEDs or as light-absorbing elements for non-visible wavelengths in solar cells. Nanostructures that are sensitive enough can also be used to detect individual molecules, bacteria, or viruses. Gallium nitride will also be an important material in the development of next-generation energy-efficient power electronic components for the electricity grid, electric vehicles, and communication infrastructure, such as the 5G grid.

RISE test and demo facilities ProNano and the Electrum Laboratory offer research and development within semiconductor- and nanotechnology and via the MyFab network.

What is a testbed?

A testbed is an environment where companies, academia and organizations work together to develop, test, and introduce new products on the market. The advantage of using a testbed is that you can test and evaluate an idea early in the process and get started with your innovation faster with the help of existing expertise and equipment. In this way, you reduce costs and faster go from idea to market introduction.


Test & Demo name





Isolated testbeds (IT)


Manufacturing, Materials


Digitalisation, Electronics, Material transition, Generic metrology and measurement technology, Production and manufacturing, Sensors and sensor systems


Region Skåne

Ashutosh Kumar

Contact person

Ashutosh Kumar


+46 70 285 20 28

Read more about Ashutosh

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Contact person

Peter Ramvall

Senior expert

+46 73 079 06 12

Read more about Peter

Contact Peter
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Press release

Hållbar tillverkning av halvledare utvecklas vid RISE testbädd ProNano

Lundabolaget Axilabs vidareutvecklar nu sin metod för att tillverka halvledare billigare, snabbare och med halverad energiförbrukning. Utvecklingen sker vid RISE testbädd ProNano i Lund.  AlixLabs innovation kommer att bidra till …

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Test & demo

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