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Thermal Properties

Do you want to characterize your material regarding its thermal conductivity, insulation capacity, latent heats of reactions or its stability at high temperatures?


RISE has long experience of measuring thermal properties of different materials atampient as well as high temperatures.  Based on material type and requested properties, we use different methods and devices to run the measurements.

Specified Areas

  • Specific Heat Capacity (cp)
  • Thermal Conductivity  (λ)
  • Thermal Resistivity (r) and Diffusivity (α)
  • Melting Point (Tm)
  • Thermal Expansion Coefficient (αT)
  • Pyrolysing Point (Tp)
  • Energy, Entalpy of Reaction, Stability, Etc


  • Solids
  • Fluids
  • Powders


Based on the material, geometries and temperature, different methods and devices are used to determine the thermal properties which is requested. Our experts have different areas of experiences and collaborate to find the best solution for your materials.

Devices and related standard(s)

  • Transient Plane heat Source (TPS), ISO 22007-1, ISO 22007-2.Thermal Conductivity, Diffusivity and heat Capacity (up to 500 °C)
  • Transient Line heat Source (TLS), ASTM D 5334-14, ASTM-D698. Thermal Conductivity of big piece of material (up to 100 °C)
  • Hot Wire (HW), ASTM D7896 -19. Thermal Conductivity of fluids and gels (up to 100 °C)
  • Slug Calorimetry, ASTM E2584 - 20. Effective heat transfer (up to 1100 °C)
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), ISO11357-1, ISO 11357 - 4. Reactions, entalpies and specific heat capacity (up to 1500 °C)
  • Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), ISO 9924-3, ISO-11358-2. Mass change, activation energy, pyrolysis temperature and oxidation temperature, composition analysis of the material, for example rubbers (up to 1500 °C) 
  • Thermal Expansion, linear thermal expansion coefficient and densities at different temperatures 

We can help you finding the suitable method and instrument to provide the material data for your application. 

Hasan Sokoti

Contact person

Hasan Sokoti

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 56 68

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Johan Sjöström

Contact person

Johan Sjöström

+46 72 565 58 55

Read more about Johan

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