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Timber engineering

Building with wood has increased strongly since 1994, when the changed European design standard meant that buildings with more than two storeys could be built. Since then, interest in the area has grown with more large and tall wooden buildings and other types of structures such as wooden bridges and towers for wind turbines.

An increased use of renewable materials and an efficient building process will create a more sustainable built environment. RISE has for many years worked with this development in different areas and has extensive expertise and services in timber engineering. Our experts can help with different types of issues at all stages of the building process and with issues from many different types of actors such as municipalities, property owners, architects, designers, contractors and building system suppliers. The employees at RISE have worked in projects aimed at several types of wood structures such as:

  • Multi-storey buildings - with frame in CLT, glulam, LVL, I-joist or stud frame
  • Tall timber buildings, more than 16 floors
  • Extensions, vertical and horizontal
  • Halls and arenas
  • Timber bridges
  • Special structures such as towers, wind turbines, etcetera.

Competence is available regarding design, calculation, modelling, testing (in the laboratory and in the field), standards and Eurocode 5 as well as maintenance and health monitoring and assessment. Our experts can contribute expertise in a number of the technical issues that are common to wood structures such as:

  • Choice of building system
  • Statics, stability and strength
  • Vibration, sway and acoustics
  • Fire resistance
  • Moisture safety
  • Industrial construction
  • Standards

RISE has also participated in the writing of several manuals and best practice guides on timber engineering, CLT structures, glulam, timber bridges and fire safety of wood structures. These manuals and best practice guides can be bought at Svensk byggtjänst and in some cases downloaded at Svenskt Trä.

RISE also has access to several laboratories for testing timber structures such as mechanical and dynamic properties, acoustics, moisture and fire. RISE also participates in several networks in the area such as Wood City Sweden, Träcentrum Norr and the Center byggande och boende i trä, WoodRise Alliance, Smart Housing Småland and others. We also collaborate with a number of universities and institutes in Sweden and the world, which provides a good network.


Marie Johansson

Contact person

Marie Johansson


+46 10 516 62 51

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