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A comprehensive health offering in Skåne

Although most people have knowledge of healthy habits, the importance of moving and being active in everyday life, we humans find it difficult to get it into practice. To make things easier, Region Skåne wants to create a comprehensive health offering that inspires healthier habits. Exactly what this means is now being worked on together with RISE.

The overall health offering is aimed at all adult residents, focusing on residents who are either completely healthy or living with chronic diseases and want support in improving their living habits to reduce the risk of poor health in the future.  

The main goal of the project is to develop a prototype for the overall health offering. This is done on the basis of conversations and workshops with actors who have an interest in the offer. These include actors who work with various health activities, such as sports clubs, gyms and study circles; health care professionals working with the health care sector; actors in society who work with issues related to diet and food and, of course, also the adult inhabitants.

A comprehensive health offering will make it easier for the inhabitants of Skåne to find activities, motivation and opportunities, based on their own interests, to live healthier. The offer can come from both private, non-profit and public actors. Another important target group for the overall health offering is those who in their profession work with lifestyle habits and guide others to healthier living habits and different activities.

In order to understand and describe all different actors and their collaboration, an effect logic across the health offering platform will be developed. This also includes descriptions of how to follow the impact of the platform on public health. 

The project is initially working specifically with the connection to the targeted healthy areas for 40-year-olds that are currently being introduced in Region Skåne. 


Project name

A comprehensive health offering




Region Skåne

RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start


5 months

Project members

Monika Lydin

Contact person

Monika Lydin


+46 10 516 55 06

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Contact person

Hanna Svensson


+46 10 516 50 67

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