Contact person
Abhilash Sugunan
Contact AbhilashElectrification is seen as one of the most viable solutions for realizing a drastic global reduction of green-house gases. The goal of this project is to develop novel polymers formulations that will help lead heat away from where is can build up and degrade materials, leading to partial discharges and eventual premature failure.
Traditional heat exchangers are metal which require machining and are susceptible to corrosion and they cannot be used where electrical insulation is required. Polymers are typical heat insulators impregnation resins allow for molding and combining with functional materials to tune material properties.
This project will investigate replacing a fraction of the fossil based materials with more sustainable alternatives such as nanocellulose, cellulose fibers, lignin, and starch in order to reduce the weight and carbon footprint.
This project will be performed by combined experimental- and simulation study (with Umeå University) and verify their processability as well as structural and functional performance at the laboratory level using conditions as specified by the industry partners who are interested in these polymers for small motor parts and battery pack cooling.
Biobased thermally conductive composites
Region Stockholm
1 year
Scania AB, Xylem AB, Granode AB, St. Gobain, Umeå University
Vinnova, Vinnova