Contact person
Marie-Louise Bergholt
Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing
Contact Marie-LouiseCOMPASS II is financed by Västra Götalandsregionen to strengthen the knowledge in additive manufacturing along the entire value chain. Increased knowledge and collaboration between industry, academia and research institute is valuable for companies operating in the region, and for research and innovation capacity in general.
Additive manufacturing is a fascinating manufacturing method that opens for unique possibilities. The list of benefits is long, and includes:
In order to reach the technology's full potential, it is important to have an in-depth knowledge of the different processes and materials. You also need access to the technologies, including their individual eco-systems, so that you may test and verify different solutions. Today, there are seven main manufacturing groups, which in turn are divided into subgroups, depending on the material and energy source. This means that there are around twenty different techniques in additive manufacturing. Considering the flora of methods and materials available, it is often difficult for companies to get started. In order to support the industry in the transition and help them strengthen their competitiveness, the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing (AM Center) was started in 2021. The center harbors deep and broad knowledge in the field, and is a place for cross-disciplinary collaboration between industry, academia and research institute. Together we explore, develop and implement various technology solutions.
The purpose of COMPASS II is to promote that environment in order to secure a long-term competence development for the benefit of both partner companies and other organizations (private and public), that seek help in the field of additive manufacturing to strengthen their competitiveness.
This project will focus on different technologies, such as Directed Energy Deposition (DED), Industrial Robot-based Additive Manufacturing (IRBAM), Metal Binder Jetting (MBJ), Hot-isostatic-press (HIP) och Hirtization. In addition to that, we will also run a number of themes, including digitalization, sustainability, logistics, business models and electrification.
The total project budget is approximately 20 MSEK. The project is funded by Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR).
Västra Götaland Region
2 years
20 000 000 SEK
Chalmers Technical University
Västra Götalandsregionen
Christophe Lyphout Erik Adolfsson Fabio Pezzotti Markus Eriksson Magnus Widfeldt Magnus Axelsson Urban Thuresson Marie-Louise Bergholt Swathi Manchili
Contact person
Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing
Contact Marie-Louise