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Climate footprint, circularity and competetivensess

Cooperation RISE - Forest and wood industry

To enable RISE to fulfill its mission of promoting sustainable growth in Sweden by enhancing the competitiveness and renewal of the business sector and contributing to innovative development, strong networks are needed. To create this network for the forest and wood industry, a collaboration agreement has been signed between RISE, Svenskt Trä, and


Within this collaboration, efforts are coordinated in research related to the wood industry and expert competence to achieve increased coordination, forward-looking activities, and environmental scanning, faster responses to environmental changes, and the ability to initiate strategic investments that meet identified needs in a value-creating way for the wood industry. To express the common direction for development, three value words have been set: Climate footprint, Circularity, and Competitiveness.

To carry out this joint development work, a program council has been formed with the aim to:

  • Ensure the business sector's engagement and influence over research direction and strategy in the wood industry area.
  • Contribute with external perspectives, the business sector's needs, and insights into future investments, the Program Council can influence strategies and ensure industrial relevance.

Focus Groups 

To achieve broad anchoring in the business sector, four focus areas have also been started, each with its own reference group to conduct environmental analysis and formulate projects, assignments, and training. These focus areas can be described as parts of the circular wood value chain.

  • Production – From sawmill gate to finished product, how to disassemble and assemble, including subprocesses and traceability of materials throughout the process.
  • Material and Component – Development of wood-based materials and components, including treatment to meet safety and functional requirements for long life.
  • Building and Product – Development of buildings and products in wood that meet requirements for function, quality, and durability over time.
  • Use and Reuse – Development of productions and processes that enable the use of products for as long as possible and that enable reuse after end-of-use.

The focus areas will be staffed with three representatives from the industry, one of whom is the chairman, and three representatives from RISE, one of whom is the coordinator for the area. The main task of the focus areas is to prioritize project ideas for further development into projects.



Project name

Cooperation RISE - Wood industry



RISE role in project


Project start


10 år


Svenskt Trä, Trä och möbelföretagen

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
15. Life on land
Marie Johansson

Contact person

Marie Johansson


+46 10 516 62 51

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