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Sara Cultural house Skellefteå
Photo: Foto: Martinsons/ Jonas Westling

Damping for Tall Timber Buildings

Tall buildings are sensitive to wind loads that can cause large motions, especially on the upper floors. For timber buildings, which are light, this phenomenon is dimensioning for buildings over about 15 floors.

In the tallest timber buildings, this problem has been tackled by placing extra weight, in the form of concrete, on the top floors. However, this increases the environmental burden in the form of transportation and material consumption.

Within this feasibility study, we want to investigate the possibility of reducing the wind-induced vibrations in light tall timber buildings by adding extra damping to the building instead of adding mass. This solution will lead to lighter buildings, which will then also be more cost-effective to produce and transport. The extra damping can be added in different ways via passive or active systems. The study will use the 20-storey Sara Kulturhus building in Skellefteå as an example to investigate the effect of additional dampers.


Project name

Damping for Tall Timber Buildings



RISE role in project


Project start


24 months

Total budget



Linnéuniversitetet, Martinsons Byggsystem, Tyréns, Skellefteå kommun


LIGHTer, Vinnova, Energimyndigheten, Formas

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
Marie Johansson

Contact person

Marie Johansson


+46 10 516 62 51

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