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Developing a transnational network of hydrogen refuelling stations

The objective of HyTruck is to support public authorities in steering the development of a transnational network of green hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) suited for large trucks. This shall help to overcome the “chicken & egg problem” that SMEs and infrastructure providers are facing.

The EU Regulation AFIR mandates that member states take action and plan hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) in tandem with the ramp-up of hydrogen (H2) technology in the transportation sector. Developing a transnational HRS network is a complex process involving spatial, economic, environmental, and technological dimensions. HyTruck is creating solutions to equip public authorities with the capacity and tools to develop spatial development concepts, provide regulatory frameworks, ensure common standards, and design public co-funding programs. Ultimately, HyTruck aims to achieve zero emissions in international road freight transport in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR).

RISE leads Work Package 1 of the project, titled "Preparing Solutions." This work package covers topics including the development of a toolkit for determining optimal HRS locations in the BSR, assessment models for HRS planning, protocols for technological standards, and guidelines for HRS planning. The RISE team's research for HyTruck focuses on the techno-economic modelling of hydrogen supply and developing business models for the operation of the stations.

Hadi Farabi Asl

Contact person

Hadi Farabi Asl


+46 10 516 54 57

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