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Digitalization offers great potential for wind power

Digitalisation can be defined as the organisational and industry-wide use of data and digital technologies to improve efficiency, create insights, and develop products and services. Digitalisation creates new opportunities for wind power. Task 43 is an international forum for cooperation. RISE participates on behalf of Sweden.

IEA Wind TCP Task 43 – Digitalization

The vision is to unlock the full value of wind energy through digital transformation.

The mission is to act as a digital transformation catalyst by driving open collaboration within and beyond the wind community to deliver insights, recommendations, standards and tools in the key areas of data, culture, and coopetition.

The goal is to define what is meant by the digitization of wind power; describe the current situation and practice in the wind energy sector; identify and prioritize opportunities for added value through further digitization; and learn from and build on similar work in other sectors to develop methods and recommendations for successful digitization.

More information about Task 43 to be found at

Digitalisation in action in a future floating wind energy plant, NREL graphics team


The purpose of RISE's participation is to understand and communicate the challenges of digitization with the wind power players in Sweden and disseminate the results from Task 43 back to relevant players in Sweden. This is achieved by participating in the work within Task 43 with the production and compilation of current R&D results and "best practices", publications and presentations.


Based on the observations and interview results the following three grand challenges in the digitalisation of wind energy has been identified

  1. Data – creating FAIR data frameworks, read more below.
  2. Culture – connecting people and data to foster innovation.
  3. Coopetition – enabling collaboration and competition between organisations.

These challenges form a cycle that combines the process of technology transition and technology adoption. In this cycle, data are made available, the data are then used as the basis for innovation, and the innovations are bought to market. As a result, more data become available and the cycle repeats.


Part of the solution reads FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data. FAIR data means that a machine, usually a computer, can find data, access data, manipulate data and reuse manipulated data for further manipulation, information and decision making. More specifically Task 43 is about:

  • Produce international standards for data formats and metadata formats so that wind power data from different sources will have a homogeneous appearance.
  • Increase accessibility to data, partly by establishing and paving the way for marketplaces where data exchange can take place, partly by spreading information about accessible data.

Except for data itself, methods and algorithms need to be developed to manipulate it into relevant decision support. increased degree of digitalization and use of AI also increase the opportunity for more accurate power production forecasts.


Through participation in an international IEA network, RISE can contribute to improvements in digitization in the wind power field. The participation entails knowledge transfer between Swedish industry and international research. In a larger context, the project contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of renewable energy and ensuring that new energy production can contribute to strengthening and stabilizing the electricity grid.

Coming events

On Thursday, February 8, 2024, RISE will present the work in a webinar organized by Swedish Wind Centre, SWC. Welcome!


Project name

Digitalization in wind power



RISE role in project

Project manager, participant

Project start


4 years

Total budget

800 000 SEK


Swedish Energy Agency

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
17. Partnerships for the goals
Anders Wickström

Contact person

Anders Wickström

Senior Projektledare

+46 10 516 67 02

Read more about Anders

Contact Anders
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