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Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network

Are you searching for new business opportunities and collaboration partners outside of Sweden? Do you want to enhance your company's competitiveness in international markets?

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is here to help you and your company grow globally. We are a European business network with over 600 advisors in 60 countries, dedicated to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in reaching new markets and improving their innovation and adaptation capabilities. EEN is funded by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the European Commission. Through personalised and cost-free counselling, as well as access to our international business contacts, we can expedite your business operations and assist you in navigating challenges related to digitalisation, innovation, internationalisation, and sustainability – everything necessary to compete in the international market. Our goal is to help your company grow sustainably and competitively in the global market.

EEN at RISE offers:

Innovation Coaching:

  • Personal coaching and support that create conditions for you to seek financing and implement your innovation in international markets.
  • Tailored workshops that strengthen your innovation capacity through increased awareness, structure, and room for innovation.
  • Support in market validation of your innovation.
  • Assistance in finding the right technology to enhance your innovation.
  • Aid in finding the necessary financing for your growth.

Find business contacts in other countries:

  • EEN's database contains thousands of company profiles for matchmaking purposes.
  • We organize matchmaking events worldwide, where SMEs can meet potential business partners.
  • We facilitate and prepare you for international meetings with strong business potential.

Expand in new markets:

  • Practical advice on conducting business in other countries.
  • Identification of the best markets for your business.
  • Information on EU laws and standards.
  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) guidance.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

5. Gender equality
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
17. Partnerships for the goals
Max Maupoix

Contact person

Max Maupoix


+46 70 780 61 93

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