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Feasibility study of electric road pilot E22

The overall goal of the project is to contribute with knowledge so that electric roads for heavy traffic can be established on a large scale and thus enable a transition to a fossil-free and energy-efficient transport system almost free from emissions.

Initially, the project would focus on electric road for road E22 in Blekinge. During the course of the project, the work has instead been expanded to a national perspective, including E22. Thus, the results are highly interesting for electric roads in general.

According to Sweden's climate goals, the transport sector's CO2 emissions must be completely eliminated by 2045. Electrification of heavy vehicles has the potential to be central in the transformation. Today, several tests are underway with different techniques and common to these is to try to understand what issues and problems a full-scale implementation may encounter.

The project's goal is to create an established and broad decision basis for the establishment of future large-scale rollout of electric roads in Sweden. The decision basis will include financial, legal and tax aspects. It will also identify conditions and barriers, as well as propose solutions to enable a rapid implementation of electric roads. In addition, the project will investigate how to evaluate and verify the benefits to the society. The work will involve structured literature studies, modeling, interviews, questionnaires, workshops and seminars with invited experts. The results will be developed in collaboration between research actors and stakeholders, contribute to the Swedish Transport Administration's Program for Electrification and be used by actors in the electric road area.

The project is coordinated by NetPort Science Park and collaboration partners are BTH, RISE and EY. The project is funded by the European regional development fund (ERUF) and the Blekinge Region.


Latest news: the project continues!

The project has been granted a continuation, where we will (amongst other things) further develop the simulation model for interaction effects between electric roads and infrastructure for static charging and how the type of transport affects the usage pattern for different types of charging infrastructure. We will also examine the conditions for smaller hauliers to convert to electric operation and what effects there will be from also including passenger cars in the calculation. In order to spread our results, we will publish research results in scientific journals as well as publish source code.


Results conference

A digital result conference took place on the 15th of November 2022. Participants 

Den 15 november 2022 ägde projektets digitala externa resultatkonferens rum. Participants got to take part in the project's interesting research results and insights about electric roads and its role in the electrification of heavy road transport. The presentations addressed practical aspects of electric road implementation as well as stakeholder and market analyses, system studies and future scenarios for national rollout of electric roads and its interaction effects with battery electric trucks and other charging infrastructure.

A recording of the conference as well as speaker presentation material can be found below.




Project name





Region Blekinge

RISE role in project


Project start



Total budget

11800000 SEK


NetPort Science Park, Blekinge Institute of Technology, EY (external expert), Örebro University (external expert), Sweco (external project evaluator)


European Regional Development Fund, Blekinge Region

Project website


Project members


Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Hampus Alfredsson

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Hampus Alfredsson


+46 72 451 40 11

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Maria-Angeliki Evliati

Contact person

Maria-Angeliki Evliati


+46 10 228 43 19

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