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Heifers lying in a group on pasture
Photo: Frida Petters

Flexible pastures with virtual fencing for enhanced biodiversity

To reach the Swedish environmental goal of a diverse agricultural landscape and at the same time maintain production and profitability in animal production, new tools are required for more flexible and efficient grazing management. In this project, virtual fencing technology will be tested for targeted conservation management of natural pastures.

Virtual fencing is an innovative technology that utilizes GPS collars to digitally confine grazing animals. This technology has the potential to significantly increase the number of grazing animals, and has generated considerable interest. The current project represents a continuation of the work initiated in 2022, when virtual fencing was tested for the first time in Sweden on both cattle and sheep. The results of the study indicated that the animals quickly learned to associate sounds with virtual fence boundaries, and subsequently adapted their roaming space in response to these boundaries. The results of this study suggest that virtual fencing may constitute a valuable tool for managing grazing animals in a more efficient and sustainable manner.

RISE, together with the SLU Ecology Center, is building on the knowledge gained in 2022 by delving deeper into the practical applications of virtual fencing technology for targeted and effective nature conservation management. Over the course of three years, beginning in 2023, this project will conduct tests of different grazing scenarios for nature conservation efforts with cattle and sheep in different types of lands and herds. The objective is to showcase practical applications for virtual fencing technology and how it can be optimally utilized for various nature conservation goals in diverse grassland types. We believe that flexible grazing management with virtual fences has the potential to become a practical tool for the management of lands with high natural values. 

The project's designated point of contact for the Department of Ecology at SLU is researcher Matthew Hiron.


Project name

Virtual fences - biodiversity



RISE role in project


Project start


3 år

Total budget

3 090 340


Matthew Hiron, forskare på Institutionen för ekologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU)

Project members

Frida Petters

Contact person

Frida Petters


+46 73 070 57 10

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