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Hållbart Stockholm 2030

HS30 (Sustainable Stockholm 2030) gathers actors from the housing development sector in the Region of Stockholm, who work together to strongly reduce the ecological footprint of the industry and to take social sustainability even more seriously. RISE coordinates the forum.

The construction and property industry accounts for 20 percent of Sweden's carbon dioxide emissions. It obliges to actively reduce the climate footprint of the industry - urgently. At the same time, there is a great need for more safe and good housing for people to feel good and for society to develop. The properties that are built must be able to stand for a long time to come and therefore need to be well-planned in terms of social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

There is great knowledge and willingness within the construction and property industry to work with and contribute to these issues. Instead of reinventing the wheel in several directions, the operational sustainability forum, HS30, was formed to together accelerate the transition to a sustainable housing industry.

The members are active in the property and construction industry in the Region of Stockholm and have the common desire to lead in their sustainability work and speed up the industry's transformation. New knowledge is acquired via discussions, workshops, lectures, and study visits. Knowledge and initiatives are anchored and operationally tested through working groups and in the projects for relevance. Knowledge is shared externally. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden coordinates HS30 and links research and innovation to the members' work in HS30.

After the pilot year 2021/2022, HS30 has set the work format and goals. Experts from business, academia, and authorities come together in working groups, and meetings, and experience feedback to deliver towards the set goals in climate and social sustainability. HS30 works towards all 169 sub-goals of the Global Goals and focuses in 2023/2024 on climate roadmaps, climate calculations, and climate compensation and produces a toolbox and KPIs based on six focus areas within social sustainability.

HS30 is open to more members who want to work together for a rapid transition to a sustainable housing industry. Read about membership here.


Project name

Hållbart Stockholm 2030




Region Stockholm

RISE role in project


Project start




Einar Mattsson, K2A, Magnolia Bostad, Sveafastigheter, Selma Bostad, Stendörren Fastigheter, Resona utveckling, JM, Peab Projektutveckling, Slättö Förvaltning , Arwidsro Fastighet, Brabo Stockholm, NREP , Genova, Besqab, Folkhem, Hemsö, Wallenstam, Bergsundet, Stena fastigheter, Rikshem, Willhem

Project website

Project members
