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In HandsOn the goal is for SMEs to strengthen their knowledge and experiece in working with interaction design, user experience and user centered methods. By offering easy ways to collaborate we increase the opportunities for SMEs to make use of reseach and technology at RISE.

HandsOn is a continuation of the project DesignIT and here the focus will be to strengthen the capacity for innovation based on the needs of the SMEs. They will gain new tools and methods, as well as practical experience of working with digitalisation and innovation in real contexts and in collaboration with researchers.


Increased digitization in society means that more areas are using ICT, therefore investments in interaction design are needed in order for the innovations of the future to be competitive.

Another challenge is that SMEs do not to great extent take part in or utilize the knowledge development that takes place at research institutes. HandsOn can enable more collaboration between SMEs and research institutes through its processes and methods. Flexible forms of collaboration, processes for distance-independent collaboration and activities at companies' premises make it easier to take part in the project. In HandsOn we also enable more organizations to use the results of the previous project DesignIT, such as workshops, Technology Studies and technology tests with the Do-It-Yourself approach.

Activities and target groups

The companies that can take part in the project are small and medium-sized companies in Norrbotten and parts of Västerbotten, regardless of industry. However, the hospitality industry is prioritized by the region and the project, thus some activities will be designed for them. The project has three main activities:

Innovation support includes activities where RISE and companies work with design, new technology and innovation method based on companies' own needs, preferably practical and with users. The. Workshops Upplevelsen, Ljudsätt DIY och Tekniklabb are examples of activities we offer.

Innovation across areas means that RISE and SMEs drive innovation projects at intersections between different areas. The projects are experimental and applied within which ideas and solutions can be tested.

Developing and dissemination are activities that make it possible to disseminate, use, further develop or package the previous project DesignIT's results such as Teknikstudion, demos, prototypes and methods.

Contact us!

If you are a company in Norrbotten or Västerbotten who are interested in learning more about digitalisation and innovation with focus on the design of user experiences contact us and we'll tell you more about how to take part. Please look at the project website and previous project DesignIT's website for examples of what we do.


Project name





Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten

RISE role in project

Project owner

Project start


3 år

Total budget


Project members