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Finding ghost net

Hitta Mig2 /Find Me

Development of solutions for sustainable usage of fishing gear supporting marine resources and preventing marine litter by regulations and innovative technical solutions for underwater localisation.

Abandoned fishing gear have a significant negative impact on marine life through "ghost fishing" which threatens fish stocks in the long run and pollutants via microplastics in the food chain affecting marine food guarantee. The ability to localise fishing gear is a prerequisite for clean and living water. 

At present, there is neither global legislation for fishing gear's marking nor cost-effective technologies for underwater localisation and identification. The lack of suitable technologies makes marking regulations impossible, which hampers the development of circular economy for fishing gear.

Our challenge is to develop a cost-effective underwater identification and location method for fishing gear. In this project , we will develop reliable markers for fishing gear under water through localisation based on hydroacoustics in combination with a consistent IoT (internet of things) for traceability. These generic but specialized technical building blocks have great technical, regulatory and commercial impact as they will support the transition to a circular economy related to fishing gear logistics and plastic waste.


Project name

Hitta Mig2



RISE role in project

Coordinator, R&D developments

Project start


3 years

Total budget

20 036 477 SEK


Havs och Vattenmyndighet , Embedded Art AB, NjordX, Netmore, Arvalla AB, Boko Media, Väderö Fisk KB, DeepVision, Garmin Nordic Sweden AB, Havstens Fiskelag AB, RadioControl SMD AB




Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

2. Zero hunger
6. Clean water and sanitation
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
14. Life below water
Cristina Rusu

Contact person

Cristina Rusu

Senior Expert

+46 70 915 18 26

Read more about Cristina

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