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Inernationalization of Swedish technology infrastructure

Attracting more international clients to Swedish technology infrastructure, increasing the infrastructures' international collaboration, and attracting more infrastructures to Sweden. Those are the goals of TIraMISO – Technology Infrastructure Management and International Support Office, run by RISE in collaboration with Business Sweden

Swedish technology infrastructures - e.g. test beds - have high international ambitions. They wish to attract foreign customers and partners, take part in international projects and standardization activities, or work internationally in other ways. To support these ambitions, RISE has founded and International Support Office for tech infrastructures, in collaboration with Business Sweden and financial support from Vinnova. 

Increased internationalization ameliorates the quality of service delivered by the tech infrastructures, which also benefits Swedish industry and public sector. 

Goals of the project include more international clients for the Swedish tech infras, and increased presence of Swedish tech infras in international projects. The international clients will be welcomed to establish business in Sweden. 

Another goal is that Sweden should be prepared to welcome new international tech infrastructures, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 

This project welcomes all Swedish tech infrastructures, regardless of ownership. 

The project builds on the experiences from INIT - Inventory of national and international test bed capacity, executed by RISE during 2021-2022. The mappings of tech infrastructures done during INIT will be updated within TIraMISO. 

Please get in touch with us for more information!

Contact person at RISE: Sofia Målberg,

Contact person at Business Sweden: Sara Hedin,


Project name




RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start


36 months


Business Sweden




Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sofia Målberg

Contact person

Sofia Målberg


+46 73 023 14 47

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Adam Edström

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Adam Edström


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