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Life stories can, for example, be shaped as physical and interactive objects in a room
Photo: Hanna Rönntoft

Live Stories

In the project we explore ways to make life stories vivid and acceptable in the meeting between older people, staff and relatives. The goal is to create solutions where the elderly's well-being, need for social interaction and the opportunity to convey their identity are in focus.

The world's population is aging faster than ever. The introduction of innovative technology plays an important role in meeting the need and has great potential to improve the quality of life for the elderly. By developing the method Life stories we can give older people more tools to mediate their identity - and staff a greater opportunity to see the whole person beyond any diagnoses.

Life Stories

Life stories are a collection of information about a person, ranging from its history to preferences and habits. The method is often used in health and care to create conditions for person-centered care. The stories play a vital role for many people as it is a tool that provides the opportunity to look beyond diagnoses and shortcomings. The problem with the method today is that the stories often exist are "hidden" in journal systems and are not available in daily work. They are also time-consuming to collect, which entails the risk that they are prioritized away and that they are not updated when the person changes over time.

Project goals

Through an iterative and user-driven process, we explore how multisensory interactive life stories can be designed to:

  • mediate the sense of identity and belonging
  • create an experience for several senses
  • evoke memories, inspire activities, conversations and contribute to well-being 
  • be useful & accessible to the staff in the daily work
  • increase participation in the own care situation & social context

The concepts developed during the project are designed as a prototype that is tested and evaluated by the users in their real context (staff in nursing homes, care recipients in nursing homes, seniors who still live at home and their relatives).


Project name

Live Stories



RISE role in project

Projekt- och innovationsledning

Project start


2,5 years

Total budget



Betaniastiftelsen, Aging 2.0, Piteå kommun, Socialförvaltningen, Minnity, Kalix Visningsrum


Familjen Kamprads stiftelse

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being

Contact person

Marie Sjolinder

Senior Researcher

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Elin Hollström

Contact person

Elin Hollström

Project manager


Read more about Elin

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