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Photo: Vendela Santén

Logistics for Carbon Capture and Storage in the cement industry LoCCS

The cement industry in Sweden is facing a major transition to lower its climate footprint, where CCS will play an important role. For the Swedish cement production on Gotland, their location provides opportunities to utilise CO2-transport by ships and new collaboration possibilities around the Baltic Sea region and northern Europe.


The project provides a platform for elaboration between actors involved in CCS logistics connected to the Swedish cement industry, such as producers of CO2, intermediate storage provider, transport providers, final storage providers and others in the Baltic Sea region and northern Europe. The project develops and evaluates CCS logistics scenarios for the Swedish cement industry, investigates development of fossil free CO2-ships and business models around the CO2-logistics for the cement industry.

Project partners are RISE and Heidelberg Materials.

The project is financed by EU and Tillväxtverket via the national program for “Fonden för en rättvis omställning 2021–2027” and runs from April 2023 until the end of March 2026.


Project name

Logistics for Carbon Capture and Storage



RISE role in project


Project start




Heidelberg Materials Cement

Project members

Per Wide

Contact person

Per Wide


+46 10 251 37 88

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