Johan Algell Senior Advisor M.Sc. Naval Arch. Exec. MBA Tel +46 10 251 37 54 Email Location Göteborg Ask me about Ask me about Project Logistics for Carbon Capture and Storage in the cement industry LoCCS The cement industry in Sweden is facing a major transition to lower its climate footprint, where CCS will play an important role. For the Swedish cement production on Gotland, their location provides opportunities to utilise CO2-t… Project Logistics for Carbon Capture and Storage in the cement industry The cement industry in Sweden is facing a significant climate transition. A central aspect of this transition is carbon capture and storage (CCS), which is ambitiously set to be implemented in Sweden by 2030. In order to realize C… Expertise Expertises in (BE)CCS/CCU Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for strong emission reductions or negative emissions or Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) for sustainable carbon-based products for the industrial and transport sectors are areas that have grown…