Mobility Data Specification - learnings for the Swedish transport system
How can new internet-connected modes of transport be handled through data sharing and digital regulation? What can we learn from the way in which the MDS (Mobility Data Specification) standard has been developed? These are issues that are investigated in this knowledge development project that is funded by the Swedish Transport Administration.
Following the increasing digitalization of society, new opportunities are created for municipalities and other authorities to exchange data and regulations digitally with transport operators. A standard that is on the rise in this space is Mobility Data Specification (MDS). MDS is a set of APIs that have been implemented in a short time by several large American cities for handling communication of policies and other data exchange (with initially electric scooter operators).
In Sweden, similar work is underway to establish this type of digital infrastructure, and the project intends to inform these ongoing efforts. This informing will be conducted both on an ongoing basis and through a peer-reviewed in-depth case study of MDS and a comparative analysis of alternative standards and platforms.
Project name
Mobility Data Specification
RISE role in project
Projektledare, forskare
Project start
1,5 years