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PRECISE: AI-Supported Security Chaos Engineering for Resilient Systems

PRECISE aims to strengthen the security and resilience of software-intensive systems and digital infrastructures. The project achieves this by developing an AI-supported security chaos engineering framework for experimenting the cybersecurity aspects of systems.

PRECISE aims to increase the security and resilience of software-intensive systems and digital infrastructure, supporting Swedish industry's ability to create and use digital infrastructure. PRECISE develops and implements an AI-supported framework for chaos engineering of cybersecurity in software-intensive systems. Such systems are critical for, e.g., aviation and automotive industries, healthcare, and telecommunications. Due to the increased complexity of the systems and their dependence on interconnected digital infrastructures, security challenges for them are significantly increasing. New tools and methods that can be integrated into DevSecOps are needed. New attack strategies are generated and tested automatically to identify potential vulnerabilities. The framework suggests possible improvements to strengthen security. The framework is published as open source, encouraging development of it and enabling non-project partners to benefit from it.

The project goals are to: 

  • Develop an AI-supported framework for chaos testing, focused on cybersecurity and resilience.
  • Integrate the framework into DevSecOps.- Publish the framework as open source to increase its societal benefit.

By achieving these project goals, the following impact goals are realised:

  • Increase the efficiency of cybersecurity analyses of software-intensive systems.
  • Strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish industry in the development of resilient digital infrastructure communication systems.


Project name




RISE role in project

Coordinator and Project Leader

Project start


3 years

Total budget

7 000 000


Volvo Technology



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
17. Partnerships for the goals

Contact person

Rodi Jolak


+46 10 228 42 56

Read more about Rodi

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