Mazen Mohamad Forskare Tel +46 10 251 39 23 Email Location Borås ORCID 0000-0002-3446-1265 Ask me about Ask me about Project HIVEMIND HIVEMIND (Human-centred collaboratIVE MultI-ageNt framework for accelerating software Development and maintenance) is an ambitious project aiming to advance responsible and human-centric software engineering methods, tools and bes… Project PRECISE: AI-Supported Security Chaos Engineering for Resilient Systems PRECISE aims to strengthen the security and resilience of software-intensive systems and digital infrastructures. The project achieves this by developing an AI-supported security chaos engineering framework for experimenting the c… Project FAMER - Facilitating Multi-Party Engineering of Requirements FAMER will establish concepts, models, and techniques of effectively building requirements knowledge for safe perception systems. FAMER approaches the requirements challenges in a systems-of-systems context, in which the complexit… Project Europe’s Rail – R2DATO R2DATO, a flagship project within Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking, strives to integrate digitalisation and automation into European rail networks, breaking interoperability barriers for enhanced efficiency and capacity. Within the… Project AGRARSENSE A new project takes agricultural and forestry related productivity to the next level. The consortium will develop European state-of-the-art technologies in electronic components and systems for future needs, building European resi… Expertise Interplay Between Safety and Security Computer systems, especially those used in safety-critical domains, should be designed, built and assessed not only from the functional point of view, but also with respect to their dependability properties such as safety and secu…