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Renewal ability and sustainable working environment during rapid chang

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has challenged organizations and workplaces, but what can we learn to be better equipped when rapid change is "the new normal"?

Purpose of the project

To create spin-off effects that strengthen workplace renewal ability and sustainable work environment at an accelerating pace of change based on learnings from the rapid fluctuations during the pandemic crisis.

The project conducts broad and in-depth studies at workplaces where organizations and workplaces have been challenged and handled large fluctuations.

An interactive research approach is applied developed at HELIX Competence Centre, Linköping University. The following key areas are focused and highlighted by the effects of the pandemic crisis on workplaces in the public and private sectors:

-       Consequences for the work environment and workplaces

-       Mobilization and priorities in the workplace, such as health, skills development, transition and renewal

-       Importance of participation, e.g. working methods and forms of collaboration (within and between workplaces, trade unions, other organisations and sectors)

-       Success factors to be well equipped for the future, when the pace of change affecting workplaces is expected to increase

Expected results

An inspirational guide with learning examples and methodological support for joint work environment and renewal work to be better equipped for an increasing pace of change and major transitions in organisations.

Ulrika Harlin

Contact person

Ulrika Harlin


+46 70 780 60 54

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