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Secure workplaces with increased automation and robotization

In order for mainly small and medium-sized companies, SMEs, to be able to reach the opportunity with collaborative applications, good standards, better customer competence and structured work environment work and risk management in the companies are required. The project identifies risks and challenges and will produce a guide.


Through the rapid development of technology and automation, there are new opportunities to create solutions for flexible and competitive industrial production. Particularly relevant is new technology for so-called collaborative applications. In a collaborative application, tasks are performed through a collaboration between human and robot, which share a work surface or work object (sharing a surface is more common). A collaborative solution can also be a robot that in a new way collaborates with a manufacturing machine, where people are involved, for example, in programming, adjustments and maintenance. There are great opportunities with collaborative applications for increased productivity and improved ergonomics (1). With robotisation, however, working methods, tasks and work content change, where risks of a partly new kind can arise. It is often emphasized that ergonomics are improved, but high-frequency manual tasks can remain, where heavy lifting can also be included, despite the ambition being to get rid of these tasks. With automation, partially unmanned production can become relevant, which can lead to an operator having to staff several machines.

The companies that are in focus in this project are preferably small and medium-sized manufacturing companies that wish to make a new investment or reinstallation of an automation or robot solution. Other important players are integrators and robot manufacturers.

Projekt idea

The aim of the project is to start from the current situation in companies that are in need of or recently invested in some form of new automation, and address the companies' challenges by:

1. Identify and describe work environment deficiencies and risks associated with automation and robotisation (implementation and operation) in collaborative applications in manufacturing companies.

2. Identify and specify needs for target group-adapted working methods and tools to be able to prevent and manage work environment deficiencies and risks.


• A current situation description of identified needs, working methods and risks

• An identified and described working method for effective risk analyzes in collaborative applications

• A structured strategy for knowledge needs, demonstrators and the application of security

• Initiatives for applications for R&D and applications.


Project name

Collaborative and safe work environment




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project

Project leader and participant

Project start


1,5 år

Total budget

1 489 000 sek


AFA Försäkring

Project members

Do you want to know more about collaborative applications?

Supports the UN sustainability goals

8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
Magnus Widfeldt

Contact person

Magnus Widfeldt


+46 70 780 60 17

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