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Smart Automation Living Lab for Process industry Implementation

"Smart Automation Living Lab for Process Industry Implementation" creates and runs a cohesive platform for the process industry where other test environments that have specific test directions are integrated.

In the SALLPI project researchers collaborate with participants from the process industries, system, and product suppliers to create an environment where open exchange of data and opportunities for easy integration of new technologies are enabled. The project also builds a network of stakeholders that offer test sites, test environments, and test components as part of the environment. As such, the SALLPI project develops an innovative, dynamic, long-term and easily accessible arena that mimics real industrial conditions in a way that is not currently available.  By doing this, the SALLPI project contributes to the faster digital transformation of the Swedish process industry and its suppliers by providing a platform that gives the industry the capacity to reduce the time from idea to implementation. Likewise, the SALLPI reduces the risks and costs of implementation by, e.g., using data analytics to predict the process settings to achieve a positive product outcome, reducing the volume of trial material required as a result of implementing Data Analytics and accurate predictive models.

The project offers access to test facilities and test environments for the process industry, system suppliers and product suppliers to exchange data, test interoperability and demonstrate innovations and solutions in a real environment. "The primary goal for us in the SALLPI project is to develop our DigiCORE lab to meet the needs of the Swedish industry facing the digital revolution," says Stig Larsson, senior researcher at RISE. The project uses pilots to ensure that the requirements set on the test environment are fulfilled. The pilots will, for example, demonstrate VR / AR remote support and collaboration via the cloud for the paper industry, autonomous machine learning for control, prediction, and optimization of the steel industry process, and cloud-based automation with IoT equipment in the process industry. Through the pilots, SALLPI concretizes how digitalization projects can be carried out without the need of building own platforms for individual tests.

FENIX – The Virtual Paper Making Environment

Larisa Rizvanovic

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Larisa Rizvanovic


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