Contact person
Fredrik Warg
Contact FredrikThe project goal is to enable development, training, virtual testing and scalable scenario-based validation of CCAM systems by providing a European Scenario Dataspace. Expected results are open datasets from different sources, best practices for gathering data and extracting scenarios, data processing tools, and to achieve stakeholder engagement.
SYNERGIES aims to create a European platform and marketplace for traffic scenarios that can be used to facilitate the development, testing and validation of automated vehicles or advanced driver assistance functions. As an extension of the HEADSTART and SUNRISE projects, which created a safety assurance framework, SYNERGIES will create a platform for interoperability between existing scenario databases, as well as methods and tools for scenario generation and scenario database management. The project will also collect real (recorded) and synthetic (generated) traffic data to be used for scenario identification and extraction.
RISE participates as a Swedish project partner in creating scenarios, both from recorded data and synthetically generated, for Nordic conditions. RISE will also explore new areas such as generative AI for scenario generation and explainable AI for data analysis.
3 år
€ 20M
BMW, Stellantis Auto, Renault, Toyota Motor Europe, AVL List, CEESAR, CLEPA, CTAG, DLR, ERTICO, FCE, ICCS, Technische Hochschule Aachen, IRTSX, IVEX, MOSAIC Factor, PAVE, Siemens Industry Software, TNO, Technische Universitet Eindhoven, Universita Degli Studi Di Genova, Virtual Vehicle Research, VUFO
Fredrik Warg Thanh Bui Anders Thorsén Max Fransson Ashfaq Farooqui