Contact person
Raul Carlsson
Senior forskare
Contact RaulThe project's goal is to design guidance for how companies can communicate their sustainability requirements in such a way that they comply with new requirements from EU directives regarding sustainability claims, what opportunities customers have to understand the meaning of, comparisons between such claims, and the customer's own opportunities or
The project's purpose is to develop for the process industry practically relevant and industry-wide knowledge and guidance for how companies can produce verifiable data and how this can be communicated without risking breaking laws. The project uses the companies' specific practical examples. The project creates awareness and guidance for legal compliance regarding sustainability claims about companies' and/or products' sustainability benefits.
There are several difficulties with creating verifiable sustainability claims that both show the market that the products are better than legal requirements, and which are also verifiably correct according to defined methods.
The project has a clear value chain perspective, partly because the larger party (Perstorp) is a supplier to smaller parties in the project (OhlaPlast, Ineos), as well as a company with value chain expertise linked to product and material requirements (Polyfuels). The focus of the project is to support various value chain actors to communicate verifiable environmental performance to their customers.
Verifiable Sustainability Statements
Västra Götaland Region
Project leader and projekt exoe¨¨
1 år
815 000 SEK
Perstorp AB, OHLA Plast AB, Polyfuels Group , INEOS
Vinnova, Västra Götalandregionen