Contact person
illia Dobryden
Contact illiaWood constituents for energy harvesting: Innovative insights for bio-based electronics
Innovative development of a wood and bio-based economy is essential for future industry and market development in Sweden. Its growth is strongly connected to establishment of cross-disciplinary and cross-industry collaborations to further develop and implement new solutions based on wood biomass products (such as nanocellulose, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) in novel high-value products.
The acceleration and stimulation of new bio-based solutions, such as proposed in this project on nano-enabled electronics, can provide significant increase in value added products. Such novel developments will require vital and relevant knowledge arising from chemical, physical and mechanical nanoscale properties that will be assembled in this project with focus on bio-based electronics solutions. This project offers an initial route for the conversion of wood (nanocellulose, lignin, hemicellulose) bio-based mass into bio-based innovative and high value-added products such as self-powered and sustainable wearable electronics with maximized nano-mechanoelectric efficiency by providing unique insights on NC-based materials.
2 years
1.5 MSEK
Stiftelsen Nils och Dorthi Troëdssons Forskningsfond