Contact person
Eva Emanuelsson
Contact EvaAs an independent partner, RISE conduct air quality measurements of trichloramine in indoor swimming pool facilities according to the recommendations from Folkhälsomyndigheten.
The characteristic scent of indoor swimming pool is trichloramine. Thichloramine is formed when nitrogen containing contaminations from e.g. urine and sweat reacts with chlorine used for cleaning of the water. Trichloramine is volatile and evaporates from the water into the air where it can cause health issues as irritated respiratory tract and eyes. Asthma can worsen from exposure to trichloramine.
According to Folkhälsomyndigheten the indoor swimming pool practice needs to have routines to control the indoor air quality at indications or risk for elevated levels of thichloramine.…
Thichloramine is measured from air pumped through a quartz filter.
Folkhälsomyndigheten recommends measurements above the water surface. If the facility uses recycled air, also the maximum recycled air need to be measured.
In addition, RISE suggests measurements next to the pool to better reflect levels for personnel.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Chemistry and Applied Mechanics is accredited as a testing laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Accreditation certificate nr 1002).
A report is obtained after measurement and evaluation.