Contact person
Caroline Jarebrant
Contact CarolineIn industry and in other operations, progress is rapid and changes are constantly ongoing. In a workplace, human, technology and organization interact. This interaction creates the work environment and needs to be taken into account in the event of changes.
In order to handle change processes from a holistic perspective where humans, technology and organization (HTO) are included, a systematic approach to analysis, evaluation, solution and actions is required. What can be seen as beneficial from an efficiency or operational perspective can become inefficient and unprofitable in the long term if employees risk their health. Often, risks arise in the interaction between humans, technology and organization. By broadening the perspective on change, one avoids getting caught up in only a single cause or solution to the consequences, risks and problems that may arise.
According to the regulations on “Systematic work environment work” (AFS 2001: 1), an impact assessment with risk assessment is required for all types of changes in the business that may affect the work environment. We offer an approach in four stages to work from an HTO perspective on planned changes in operations. The approach is based on various research and development projects and experiences. The method includes a description of important work environment factors to take into account at the task and work content level as well as overall working conditions.
We offer workshops with mapping, analysis and guidance from an HTO perspective in your business. Content and scope are based on your needs.