Contact person
Elisabeth Olsson
Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör
Contact ElisabethIt is important that the textiles on the market are free of harmful and regulated substances. Chemical analysis is a way to gain control over the products' chemical content.
Society and consumers set high demands on companies and their products. The legislation also means that you as an actor must have complete information and control over the chemicals in your product. It is especially important with products for children and goods with skin contact, such as clothes and accessories.
Aprotic solvents such as DMFa, NMP and NEP are commonly used in polyurethane coatings (PU coatings) of textiles, gloves and "faux leather". The substances are also used in the manufacture of elastomers such as elastane, as well as in the manufacture of aramide fibres (kevlar). The concentrations can be kept down in the end product, but often occur more or less in the materials.
We help you interpret chemical legal requirements and restrictions that apply to goods made of textile materials and plastics and that are linked to e.g. REACH and POPs. We suggest what analyses you need to do based on legal requirements, but also other specifications such as eco-labels or procurement requirements
EN 16778. Protective gloves — Determination of dimethylformamide (DMF) in gloves
EN 17131. Textile and textile products — Determination of dimethylformamide (DMF) by gas chromatographic method
OEKO-TEX analysis method
Sample amount 20 grams
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