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Mechanical testing of battery components

In mechanical testing of battery components and battery cases, we test the effect of mechanical impact to ensure that the design is suitable for its application.

What is mechanical testing of batteries?

Mechanical testing of battery components and cases includes static and dynamic testing. The tests consist of tensile tests, pressure tests, fatigue tests, impact tests, creep tests, and internal pressurization of batteries.

Examples of mechanical impact on battery components

The mechanical impact is investigated during (or after) battery components and battery cases have been exposed to various impacts. These include internal damage, short circuits, electrolyte leakage, and structural damage, all of which can have serious consequences.

Why is mechanical testing of battery components carried out?

Mechanical testing is essential from a safety aspect. If the battery, battery case, or its components are not suitable for their intended use it may lead to reduced capacity, reduced efficiency, reduced performance, or overheating of the battery. There is also a risk of fire and explosion – in other words, a risk of serious injury.

Increased electrification requires more testing

Investigating mechanical risks is becoming increasingly important as society electrifies, not least with an increased number of electric vehicles. Mechanical testing is necessary to ensure product safety and is, therefore, important for producers, importers, and retailers.

You receive guidance on mechanical testing

We help you mechanically test battery components in our laboratories. We keep track of the latest regulatory changes and guidance within requirements and standards. By using RISE, you also get access to our entire institute's collective expertise, competence, and experience. We operate in materials, chemistry, energy, analysis, and certification in the battery area.

We offer both standardized and unique testing

Our experience in mechanical testing, accompanied by an extensive machine park and modern lab resources, enables great flexibility and unique testing possibilities. Thinking outside the box is our everyday life! In addition to mechanical testing for force, deformation, pressure, and elongation, we offer advanced measurement methods, such as Digital Image Correlation (DIC), Digital Volume Correlation (DVC), and acoustic emission (AE).

Combination of different types of testing

With our possibilities for safety-critical testing, we can also combine mechanical testing with, for example, cycling batteries. If a battery ends up in thermal runaway or propagation, we can measure heat generation, gas emissions, and more. At RISE, you get help with the right combination of tests.


As a client, you will receive a digitally signed technical report with your test results. You will receive the report in Swedish or English, whichever you prefer.

Are you interested in safety critical testing of batteries, there is further reading on our page for safety-critical battery testing

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Mechanical testing of battery components

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Field measurements



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Jure Baric

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Jure Baric


+46 10 516 55 25

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Tom Lindström

Contact person

Tom Lindström


+46 10 516 53 50

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