Contact person
Mats Cedheim
Contact MatsThe NMI offers tracible calibration of antennas in the frequency range 30 MHz - 18 GHz for a multitude of different antennas, as for example horn antennas, biconical antennas, dipole antennas. logperiodical antennas and hybrid antennas.
To provide tracible calibration of antennas in the frequency range 30 MHz-18 GHz.
The calibration of antennas takes Place on one or both of our measurement ranges. For antennas in the frequency range 30 MHz - 1 Ghz the calibration takes Place on our outdoor antenna test range (OATS) "Maxwell" according to our internal calibration method 4429, which is based on the SSM method in ANSI C63.5 (2017). For antenna calibration in the frequency range 1-18 GHz this will take place in our fully anechoic chamber "Hertz" according to internal method 2781 which is a reference antenna method with standard gain horn antennas as reference.
Calibration certifikate with antenna gain and antenna factor showing tracibility to a NMI.