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Mats Cedheim
Contact MatsTracible calibration of electrical field probes/field indicators/ field strength meters in the frequency range 10 kHz-18 GHz
To provide tracible calibration of electrical field probes/field indicators/field strength meters in the frequency range 10 kHz-18 GHz.
The calibration will provide a correction factor which can be used to improve the accuracy in the calibrated equipment.
The calibration of electrical field probes/field indicators/field strength meters takes place on one or both of our measurement ranges. For equipment used in the frequency range 10 kHz-50 MHz the calibration is conducted in our TEM cell. If the equipment is to be calibrated in the frequency range 50 MHz-18 GHz this takes place in our fully anechoic chamber "Hertz". The calibration is done according to internal methods, which are based on IEEE 1309-2013. All the calibrations are conducted by placing the equipment in a calculable electrical field and then recording the response of the equipment. The quota between the by the equipment displayed level and the applied field gives a correction factor that is unique for the specific equipment.
Calibration certificate containing the correction factors for the requested frequencies. The certificate is tracible to a NMI.