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Sulejman Music
Contact SulejmanThe National Laboratory for Length and Dimensional Metrology offers calibration of measuring tapes, dipping tapes and PI tapes.
The National Laboratories are responsible for maintaining the national reference standards for each measurement quantity and spreading metrological competence and traceability to industry and society at large. The national reference standards are the highest level of traceability in Sweden.
A calibration performed at a national laboratory fulfils all typical traceability and accreditation requirements that commonly exist in industry and society at large.
We perform calibration of most kinds of measuring tapes on the market. Our routine calibration at 20 °C includes ten measuring points evenly distributed over the tape. Off course we can calibrate other points on customer requests. We can calibrate each dm up to 5 m and after that every half meter. We calibrate each meter on dipping tapes and ullage level gauges as standard.
Measuring tapes can be made of different materials for example steel and nylon and with different tension forces, normally 50 N. The graduation can start 100 mm in (Type A), from the start of the hook (Type B) or from the hook (Type C). It’s very important that measuring tape with tension force have the same force at use as during the calibration, otherwise the corrections won’t be correct. If the measuring tape is used at other temperature or measuring force than marked at the tape, the length measurements should be corrected.
PI tapes are calibrated due to a different method and other measuring points than usual measuring tapes. This will be described in the certificate.
Measuring tapes are made in different tolerance classes, mainly due to SS 641112, SS 641113 and STAFS 2016:9.
The tolerance grade specifies the maximum allowed deviation on the specified type of measuring tape, but doesn’t say anything about the individual tape. The only way to find out the deviation on a specific tape is by calibration. The calibration is performed without any consideration regarding tolerance class.
The calibration results are reported in a digital calibration certificate in Swedish or English which states that the calibration was performed at a national laboratory.