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Crisis exercise: Local strength at power outages

Today's security situation with cyber threats, malign information and sabotage, sometimes with an unclear sender and unknown purpose, increases demand on local energy companies and municipalities. RISE offers an exercise concept based on the local energy system and its operators, aiming to strengthen energy preparedness in the local energy system.


The exercise will increase knowledge and awareness regarding the risks of hybrid threats. The content will be adjusted according to the participants

Enhances the ability to handle crisis situations and stimulates cooperation across operational functions to improve energy readiness and resilience of critical societal functions.

During the exercise, the group can identify future improvement areas.

Table top-exercise

The exercise is carried out over the course of a day. The basic version of the exercise will involve representatives from one municipality and the energy comapnies operating in this municipality. From the municipality, it can be safety coordinators, representatives from municipal management, rescue services and/or communicators who participate, about 3-5 people. It is desirable that both electricity grid companies and electricity producers participate with 3-5 people each. Regional grid owner, county administrative board and other civil defence actors can also participate in the exercise.

The exercise will be adapted to the actual municipality and can also be adapted for implementation with two or more municipalities together.

An introduction about hybrid threats and what these can cause in a crisis situation will be held in the beginning. The exercise groups is then faced with a scenario that leads to a series of challanges to reflect and collaborate on, and asks for communication between the groups. 

The groups are both separated and mixed so that experience is exchanged between different organisations. All participants gather during the day for joint reviews and presentations of the group discussions.

RISE puts together an exercise plan, prepares and leads the exercise.


RISE will deliver a compilation of the results after the exercise.

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Energy exercise on hybrid threats and how they can affect the lokal energy system and its operators


Price on tender


An initial meeting to discuss 

  • Local conditions
  • Relevant operators
  • Possible participants in the exercise group
  • Length of the exercise
  • Time of the exercise

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
Sara Skärhem

Contact person

Sara Skärhem

Senior Projektledare

+46 10 516 57 55

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