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Digital social alarms

By commission of the Swedish authority “Myndigheten för delaktighet” (The Swedish Agency for Participation) RISE has developed a certification scheme for digital social alarms in cooperation with Swedish authorities and leading manufacturers. A test method has been developed and a test set-up for performing the tests has been implemented.


Both alarm senders and alarm receivers are part of digital social alarms. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) require interoperability between alarms of different brands. This is ensured by a standardised communication protocol called SCAIP (Social Care Alarm Internet Protocol). SKL also have several additional dependability and security requirements. These requirements have been included in the test method used for the evaluation and certification of both alarm senders and alarm receivers for digital social alarms.

RISE offer independent testing of alarm senders and alarm receivers to ensure that the requirements stated by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions are fulfilled. The certificates issued by RISE show that the digital social alarms can be used according to these requirements which is an advantage for both manufacturers and municipalities, e.g., in public procurements of digital social alarms. The manufacturers are also offered access to the test set-up for conducting their own testing of social care alarms.


RISE performs tests of digital social alarms in their own laboratory developed specifically for this purpose. The tests specified in the test method are based on the SEK TS 50134-9 Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 9: IP Communications Protocol and the Swedish Standard SS 91100 Digital social alarm - Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP). The “SKL Kommentus Inköpscentral” (The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions’ Central Purchasing) specify several additional dependability and security requirements which also have been included in the test method.


The result of the RISE evaluation is reported in a written report, as well as in a certificate if the requirements are fulfilled.


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Certification of digital social alarms


Product certification

Delivery level



SEK TS 50134-9 Alarm systems - Social alarm systems - Part 9: IP Communications Protocol

Svensk Standard SS 91100:2014 Digital social alarm – Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP) – Specification

Teknisk Rapport SIS-TR 91101:2016 Digital social alarm – Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP) – Test specification

Teknisk Rapport SIS-TR 91102:2016 Digital social alarm – Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP) – Implementation guideline


Price on tender

Delivery time

Delivery time depends on whether the equipment is ready at the start of the evaluation, or if the evaluation takes place in parallel with parts of the development work.


The manufacturer shall document the functions and design of the digital social alarm.


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