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Environmental product declaration, EPD

An environmental product declaration is a way of communicating the environmental properties of products that can be used on all kinds of goods and services. Environmental product declarations in accordance with ISO 14025 are based on life cycle assessment, LCA.


RISE can help your company to efficient environmental communication. We have experience of both self-declared environmental claims, so-called type II declarations, and certified environmental product declarations of type III within the framework of ISO 14025.

Climate declaration

More recently, climate declarations have become popular. We at RISE have made a climate declaration for part of our own research. The climate impact is approximately 2 kg CO2-eq per research hour.

An environmental product declaration based on life cycle assessment is a very good way of meeting customers' and authorities' demands for credible, easily understandable and comparable environmental information, for example in connection with public procurement. The underlying life cycle assessment is also an excellent basis for further improving the product's environmental properties.


An environmental product declaration according to ISO 14025 is always based on a life cycle assessment, LCA, performed according to the product category rules that apply to the product. If there are no product category rules, we will develop them in conjunction with our doing the LCA. However, we recommend that you pre-certify the EPD before the product category rules are completed, as approval can take a long time.

A simplified process has been developed for concrete products for the members of Svensk Betong (Swedish Concrete). The product category rules are based on EN 15804. RISE collaborates with IVL and Svensk Betong and produces environmental product declarations within EPD-Norway. The certification takes about 3 weeks after the company has submitted a correct inventory report and made an environmental assessment in Svensk Betong's EPD tool.


Before the environmental product declaration is fully finalized and can be registered by EPD-Norway or the International EPD® system or other EPD program, it must be verified by a third independent party. This verification is not normally included in the delivery but must be ordered from a third party. RISE may also perform such third-party review, though not if we do LCA and EPD. In the simplified process for concrete products, IVL is responsible for the verification.


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The International EPD®-system is one of several harmonized programmes for environmental product declarations.


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Environmental Product Declaration, EPD


Product certification


ISO 14025 Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures


Price on tender

Delivery time

Depending on project size, but normally at least on month.

More information

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Tatjana Karpenja

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Tatjana Karpenja

Affärsutvecklare Hållbarhet & Digitalisering

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Diego Peñaloza

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Diego Peñaloza


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