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ETA – European Technical Assessment

RISE is by the Swedish Government designated as a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) hence authorized to issue European Technical assessments (ETA). When products are not covered by existing harmonized specifications, or cannot be covered in full, the ETA-route is the route that gives manufacturers the possibility to put the CE-mark on their products.


CE-marking of construction products is mandatory for products that are covered by a harmonized technical specification (hEN or EAD). As a manufacturer the CE-marking of one’s products gives access to the entire European market and makes comparison, on equal terms, with other manufacturers with the same or similar products.

For Products, Kits and Systems for which no hEN is available, or cannot be used, there is a possibility to apply the CE-mark via a European Technical Assessment (ETA). An ETA is a technical specification that describes the characteristics, manufacturing site and its factory production control. An ETA is the document that enables the CE-marking of construction products.

An ETA can be issued by a designated body, Technical Assessment Body (TAB). RISE is designated by the Swedish government giving the authority to issue ETAs in all the product Areas mentioned in the CPR. RISE is also the Swedish representative and spokes body in EOTA, the European Organization for Technical Assessment). EOTA is the organization, that with the cooperation of its members, develops European Assessment Documents for those products for which its member TABs have received applications for.


A schedule that describes the process can be found here (länk till dokumentet ”RISE EOTA Route”)
Described in short form the process consists of the following steps:
Inquiry, Quotation, ev. Development of an EAD, Development and Issuing of an ETA.

When all relevant characteristics and documentation have been determined and presented, including manufacturing site, control plan, FPC etc. an ETA can be issued. In case an EAD for the product is unavailable or nonexistent an EAD would have to be developed before an ETA can be issued.

Depending on the level of Attestation and verification of constancy of performance (1+, 1, 2, 3 or 4), that is valid for the product a task involving a notified body might be necessary before the CE-mark can be applied to the Product. RISE is a notified body for many harmonised specifications. Additional information about RISE and its services as a notified body can be found in the standard service Notified Body CPR.


When the above steps have been followed an ETA can be issued. A reference to the issued ETA will be publishe on the RISE website, as well as on the EOTA website.

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ETA – Issuing of European Technical Assessment (ETA) and if relevant, development of European Assessment Document (EAD)


Price on tender


No special preparations are required, but a clear definition of the product and its intended use, including any limitations is a great advantage.

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Stefan Coric

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Stefan Coric


+46 10 516 60 73

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