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Fatigue testing of materials and components

Fatigue testing is carried out with a cyclic load, until breakage occurs. The purpose is to determine the fatigue life and strength of a material or component. We perform both standardized and specialized fatigue testing on materials and components, for both machinery and products for construction and infrastrucrure.


Fatigue test results are an important basis for assessing life expectancy and strength of materials, components or structures under cyclic load, or to ensure that the necessary safety criteria are met.

The question may vary with application. In low cycle fatigue (LCF), high loads are of interest, around the yields stress limit of the material, while in high cycle fatigue (HCF) lower loads with a large number of cycles are looked at, up to the so-called fatigue limit. In this area, so-called SN curves can be plotted to examine the relationship between load amplitude and service life.  The test can be carried out in different ways, e.g. load-controlled (controlled force) or elongation-displacement controlled (controlled elongation/displacement).

In our laboratory in Borås, we can perform tests on everything from small test bars to complete components with a size over 10 meters, and with loads up to 20 MN (2000 metric tons). To determine fatigue limits (high cycle numbers) of materials that are not frequency dependent, our resonance machines allow load frequencies around 100 Hz. We can also use variable amplitude (spectrum fatigue), or simulate custom load spectra specific to the application.

Specialized test setups with multi-axial loads can be built up on test floors with attachment points, where load are applied with hydraulic cylinders.

Test assignments are often complemented with various add-on services, such as:

  • Testing at elevated temperatures,
  • Prediction of life expectancy, load analysis, reliability and uncertainty assessment,
  • Spectrum fatigue (variable-amplitude loads),
  • Fracture mechanical analysis,
  • Tensile test with advanced measuring techniques, such as acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) methods,
  • Development of material models for FEM analysis,
  • Validation and verification (V&V) for quality assurance of simulation models.


Fatigue testing is carried out in our accredited laboratory in Borås. We are accredited for methods SS-EN 112370, ASTM E466, ASTM E606, ECE R55, SS-EN ISO 14801, SS-ISO 1099.

The work include both accredited and non-accredited testing methods. The scope of accreditation is available upon request – please feel free to contact us for more information.


Fatigue test results may be in the form of Wöhler diagrams (S-N curves) showing load amplitude against number of cycles, determination of a fatigue limit or verification of service life. When an applicable standard exists, results may be delivered accordingly.

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Determination of fatigue properties for materials and components

Metrology Area

Force and torque

Delivery level

Accredited, Non-accredited


SS 112370




SS-EN ISO 14801

SS-ISO 1099


Price on tender

Delivery time

Fatigue testing takes time, as a number of tests must be cyclically loaded over a long period of time. The delivery time is mainly affected by the number of tests, the number of cycles required for each test and the frequency that can be used in the test.


Test specimens can either be provided by the customer, or manufactured in our workshop from customer material samples. Components are normally provided by the customer.

Contact person

Eva Larsson

Filosofie kandidat

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Jukka Holappa

Contact person

Jukka Holappa


+46 10 516 50 65

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